Help Pete launch Critics' Choice...

The countdown to the launch of the Critics’ Choice – Australia’s Best Beers is well and truly on with a groundswell of anticipation building towards the announcement of this year’s number one beer* on Monday April 2.

In a sign that the publishers are gaining an increasing appreciation for good beer and the industry that supports it, this year’s book will be launched officially at selected venues around the country with the number one beer revealed and pre-release copies of the book available on Friday March 30.

Down here in Melbourne town events are being held at Bettany’s, The Cherry Tree and Young & Jackson for those close to the city but for the rest of us there is really only one destination and that’s Club Kilsyth in the sunny east where Editor of The Critics’ Choice and Australian Brews News’ very own Pete Mitcham will be hosting a night of fun and frivolity, beer and food, give aways and book signings.

This is the sort of event that we out this way lament the lack of and the only way to show the venues that we would be quite prepared to drink good beer close to home if only there was more of it is to do exactly that. Join us on Friday March 30 for a few quite ales and a bit of banter along with the opportunity to grab a copy of The Critics’ Choice a whole three days before the rest of them!

Ticket price includes tastings of at least eight of the top 10 beers, food and a few surprises as well as a national co-ordinated countdown and reveal of the Number One beer for this year’s Critics’ Choice. You can ring and book a table now and pay up on the night. Don’t panic, we won’t start without you.

Club Kilsyth Cnr Canterbury and Colchester Rds Bayswater Nth 6.30 for a 6.45pm start.

Only $40 per head

To book phone 9761 4233

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