Beer is a Conversation: Alli Macdonald - Malt Shovel
This week on the podcast, we catch up with Alli Macdonald, Lead Brewer with Malt Shovel Brewers and also Australian President of the Pink Boots Society.
Like many craft brewers who found their inspiration to do what they do in the early 2000s, Alli had her beer epiphany when she travelled through Europe and discovered beer that was different to what she knew at home in Australia.
Through a role with the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales she not only become the Chief Steward for its NSW beer awards, she also found great support to pursue her ambition to become a brewer, which has seen her progress to her current role as Lead Brewer for Malt Shovel.
We talk about her career, what she learned and the changes she’s seen, and also about Pink Boots Australia and what she would like to see change.
Enjoy the conversation.
We also mentioned this conversation with Pink Boots founder Teri Fahrendorf.
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