Beer is a Conversation: Brad Rogers
Welcome to a special Beer is a Conversation, our last for 2019. A live chat with Stone & Wood co-founder Brad Rogers recorded at Brisbane’s My Beer Dealer.
It’s fair to say that Brad is a legend. If it wasn’t just for creating Pacific Ale, arguably the most influential new beer of the last twenty years, Brad would still be revered as a brewer. This is a wonderful, long chat with Brad about so much that is going on in the beer word at the moment, but also about the beers that he is creating at his Stone & Wood side project Forest for the Trees.
As with the previous Live from My Beer Dealer, this was a rare podcast recorded with beer in hand. Regular listeners will know that we avoid the sip and discuss style podcast, and so parts of the chat about the specific beers have been edited out for the podcast listeners benefit.
Thanks to Antoinette, Matt and Les at My Beer Dealer for hosting us – and congratulations on your first year. We will be recording more live chats there, so please let us know how the live chat translates to podcast so we can continue to improve how we do it.
As always it’s a fascinating and epic conversation, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Radio Brews News is proudly presented by Cryer Malt. With over 25 years in the field, Cryer Malt has been bringing you the world’s best local and imported malts. Your premium brewing partner and proud supporters of Brews News.
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All letter writers will receive a brews news bottle opener and go into the draw to win a mixed six-pack thanks to our good friends at Beer Cartel who sponsor our letter for the week.