Beer is a Conversation: Calvin McDonald
This week we catch up with BrewDog’s Australian top dog Calvin McDonald at DogTap Brisbane.
Regular listeners will know that BrewDog has been a close study for Australian Brews News and also on this podcast as we have watched the business explode and try to match the hype and the antics with the output and the execution of what is a global craft beer phenomenon.
Since opening in November, the hospitality side of DogTap Brisbane has exploded and Calvin was proud to report that Brisbane has been one BrewDog’s most profitable venues in the world. Also, brewing has finally started at the facility.
It’s a great chat that covers a lot of ground including alcohol free beer and managing a global brand while being locally relevant, and you’ll even hear Calvin – who seems to be an avid listener to the podcast – respond to a few observations we have made about the business.
Enjoy the conversation.
Radio Brews News is proudly presented by Cryer Malt. With over 25 years in the field, Cryer Malt is dedicated to providing the finest brewing ingredients to help brewers create the foundations of a truly excellent beer. Your premium brewing partner and proud sponsors of Brews News.
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