Beer is a Conversation: Christien McGarry
We finish our sweep through Queensland’s Sunshine Coast and visit Your Mates Brewery to meet one of the mates, Christien McGarry.
In an increasingly common story, Christien and his mate Matt Hepburn quit their jobs five years ago with the dream to open a brewery. In the intervening years through a mix of contract and gypsy brewing, running their own taproom and a lot of clever self marketing that included an appearance on TV show Shark Tank, they have managed to build a brand big enough to attract investors to financially back their vision of opening their own brewery and taproom.
We chat about the origins of their, literally, characterful beers, entrepreneurship in the increasingly crowded beer world and how you make beer relevant to your mates when your circle of mates expands beyond those you can fit in your backyard.
Enjoy the conversation.
For the last time, we thank Josh Donohoe from Sunshine Coast Craft Beer Tours for putting together our tour.
Radio Brews News is proudly presented by Cryer Malt. With over 25 years in the field, Cryer Malt has been bringing you the world’s best local and imported malts. Your premium brewing partner and proud supporters of Brews News.
We thank Rallings Labels and Stickers for sponsoring this podcast. Call Rallings on 1300 852 235 to discover a more efficient way to get your small batch canning labels done.
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All letter writers will receive a brews news bottle opener and go into the draw to win a mixed six-pack thanks to our good friends at Beer Cartel who sponsor our letter for the week.