Beer is a Conversation: Mike Bennie

This week we chat with Mike Bennie, a drinks writer and one of the founders of the Drink Easy Awards.

The Drink Easy Awards promises beers will be judged, not against style, but in an egalitarian system aimed at elevating collections of drinks that represent not only the notion of high quality but the development and creativity found within their community. The awards have the support of idiosyncratic brewers such as Wildflower’s Topher Boehm who sparked our interest saying that they are not just another drinks awards. He said the awards were born out of frustration of style based competitions where more creative drinks can sometimes miss out. Hope you enjoy Matt’s chat with Mike Bennie.

You can enter the Drink Easy Awards here.

Radio Brews News is proudly presented by Cryer Malt. With over 25 years in the field, Cryer Malt has been bringing you the world’s best local and imported malts. Your premium brewing partner and proud supporters of Brews News.

We thank Rallings Labels and Stickers for sponsoring this podcast. Call Rallings on 1300 852 235 to discover a more efficient way to get your small batch canning labels done.

Lastly we thank Unleashed Software for supporting the show. Unleashed is more than inventory management software. It’s a system that runs your whole business operations and gives you an unfair brewing advantage. Learn how Unleashed can help you run and grow your brewery.

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