Brews News Live - BrewCon19: James Omond
Thanks to Bintani we were able to take Radio Brews News to BrewCon and capture a little of what was on offer to those who were lucky enough to get to Australian craft brewing’s annual conference and trade show.
In this episode we chat with intellectual property lawyer James Omond from Omond and Co.
While it wasn’t on the BrewCon program, during BrewCon James had an article published in the Fairfax papers looking at talks that have started with the European Union over the use of geographical indications. We sat down with James to find out more about this and how it could affect brewers and whether locally-produced Munich Helles will have to change its name to Australian sparkling lager.
BrewCon 2020 will take place on September 21 and 22 next year.
Enjoy the conversation.
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