Brews News Live From GABS: Andrew Higginbotham and Lincoln Kelly
This is a special edition of Brews News, live from GABS in Melbourne.
Thanks to Bintani, Brews News was able to take our mobile studio to GABS and capture some great discussions with a wide range of people in the beer industry.
In just a few weeks changes will come into force that will see brewers able to use much smaller keg sizes without an excise penalty. There has been much discussion about what that means for brewers and how many will be taking up the opportunity.
I sat down with two people who I thought would have a handle on all things kegs, Andrew Higginbotham, General Manager Australia New Zealand for Kegstar Kegs and Lincoln Kelly, General Manager Keg Services.
We look at the changes that will take place and what brewers have been asking them, what they predict will change and how they are gearing up to cater to their projections.
If you think what goes in a keg is interesting, this will show you that the business of stainless is worth some attention too.
Enjoy the chat with Andrew Higginbotham and Lincoln Kelly.
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