Brews News Week Episode 193
This week on Brews News Week, Pete and Matt discuss the latest in beer industry news and views.
Under the microscope this week:
The US Brewers Association is again revisiting the definition of ‘craft’, with a view to changing the definition of independence. On the one hand, some people say that “craft beer” means anything Boston Beer wants it to mean. But on the other hand, non-beer products are becoming an increasing part of brewers’ portfolios.
Stone & Wood co-founder Brad Rogers has started brewing under his own brand Forest for the Trees, launching with a Saison.
Endeavour Brewing launches crowdfunding campaign
Pete also pays tribute to founder of FightMND Dr Ian Davis, who died this week after being a campaigner for MND research and a huge inspiration for many. Brewmanity and Cavalier have both brewed beers to raise money for the disease. Seek them out this week and have one in Ian’s memory.
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All letter writers will receive a brews news bottle opener and go into the draw to win a mixed six-pack thanks to our good friends at Beer Cartel who sponsor our letter for the week.