Brews News Week Episode 197
On Brews News Week host Pete Mitcham and Brews News founder Matt Kirkegaard discuss the attention-grabbing beer stories of the week.
This week, we are again joined by Zoe Ottway from Totem Marketing, we are also joined for the first time by Fiona Sproles from Adelaide’s Dusty Cowgirl Designs.
Fiona is a former in-house designer for Little Creatures and her Dusty Cowgirl Designs continues to do graphic design and copywriting across the Little Creatures, White Rabbit and other craft brands for Lion. In the week that Coopers announced a nearly 10 per per cent decline in sales, we get our crack marketers to discuss Coopers woes.
In pushing the Cook Limit this week we also discuss:
- CUB’s history of getting history wrong and whether the true history of a brand is more valuable than a marketing version.
- DME goes into receivership
- Queensland’s craft beer strategy
Melbourne listeners, we will be recording our 200th Episode live at The Local Taphouse at 3pm on Sunday 9 December. We will be joined by a number of special guests including James Smith from the Crafty Pint, Luke Robertson from Ale of a Time and trademark expert James Omond, We have 15 tickets for listeners who would like to join us for some great chat, good fun and some beers. If you’d like to come along, email us. First come, first served.
If you like what we do at Radio Brews News you can help us out by:
- Sponsoring the show Reviewing us on iTunes or your favourite podcasting service
- Emailing us at producer@brewsnews.com.au to share your thoughts
We also welcome new sponsors, Rallings Labels and Stickers, to the podcast. Speak to Rallings about a more efficient way to get your small batch canning labels done.
All letter writers will receive a brews news bottle opener and go into the draw to win a mixed six-pack thanks to our good friends at Beer Cartel who sponsor our letter for the week.