Brews News Week Episode 203
Breweries and venues walk the fine line of cultural sensitivity this week with one accused of mocking Maori culture and another opting to rename one of its beers to avoid negative connotations.
So where is the line in the sand? Pete and Matt discuss this as well as the rest of the weeks beer news.
- BrewDog construction now underway following delays
- Ballistic changes beer name for mental health
- Brewers encouraged to consider cultural sensitivities
- Aussie bar accused of ‘mocking Māori culture’ with use of tā moko in beerfest advert
Brews News Week is Proudly presented by Cryer Malt. With over 25 years in the field, Cryer Malt have been bringing you the world’s best local and imported malts. Your premium brewing partner and proud supporters of Brews News.
We thank Rallings Labels and Stickers for sponsoring this podcast. Call Rallings on 1300 852 235 to discover a more efficient way to get your small batch canning labels done.
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All letter writers will receive a brews news bottle opener and go into the draw to win a mixed six-pack thanks to our good friends at Beer Cartel who sponsor our letter for the week.
This weeks letter of the week is from Jen S.
Hi Matt and Prof!
I enjoyed your discussion in episode 201 about strategies for listing (or not listing) beers in the Hottest 100. A few of my favourite beers from 2018 were seasonal limited releases. And although they were excellent, I knew they didn’t have the distribution to get anywhere near the top 10. As a fan of facts and figures, I’d also love to see more voting stats! Ex. the total number of votes going to a brewery versus a specific beer, or how a local brewery with limited distribution ranked within their state. Here’s hoping you can convince Steve Jeffares to work on this ‘holiday project’. The people want to know!