GBW Trade Panels - How to Handle a Recall
During the recent Good Beer Week in Melbourne, the Cryer Malt trade hub at BeerDeluxe was once again a focus for the brewing industry with a number of important trade discussions taking place.
Thanks to Kegstar, Brews News was able to be there to record some of these panels and we are proud to present these discussions.
This panel, hosted by Brews News, was a timely discussion about product recall including the importance of and how to plan for a product recall, even though its an unlikely event. We look at the issue from a retail perspective as well as the potential legal and financial repercussions.
This panel was locked in before we learned of the Independent Brewers Association’s plans to release a Food Recall Information Pack, and it’s timely that we release this podcast now to coincide with the release of the IBA’s valuable guide.
Our panel featured:
- Richard Crowe – Head of Production, Stone & Wood
- Diarmaid O’Mordha – Quality & Sustainability Manager, Endeavour Drinks
- Julian Barclay – Senior Associate, Ramsden Lawyers
- Justin Williams – Managing Director, CorpSure Insurance Brokers
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