Jamie Fox - Brewmanity
This week we talk Fat Yaks, Big Helga’s and Barking Ducks as we speak with Jamie Fox who was CUB’s Marketing Manager for craft a decade ago as Australia’s dominant brewer struggled to make sense of the emerging craft scene.
It was fun to record some of his reflections on these times, and we hope you’ll enjoy the origin stories of some of the big – and defunct – beers from Matilda Bay.
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Radio Brews News is proudly presented by Cryer Malt. With over 25 years in the field, Cryer Malt are dedicated to providing the finest brewing ingredients to help brewers create the foundations of a truly excellent beer. Your premium brewing partner and proud sponsors of Brews News. and this is Brews News Week.
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All letter writers will receive a brews news bottle opener and go into the draw to win a mixed six-pack thanks to our good friends at Beer Cartel who sponsor our letter for the week.