John Holl - Beer Writer and Podcaster
This week on the podcast, we Drink Beer and Think Beer, as we chat with US beer writer and podcaster John Holl.
Regular listeners will know that the Brews News team are avid listeners of John’s podcasts and followers of his writings. It’s always great to just talk beer with him.
This conversation was loosely prompted by a recent chat John had with Kim Sturdevant, who is credited as being the creator of the Brut IPA, a beer style that appeared, exploded and virtually disappeared, all in the space of 18 months. Kim shared some very interesting thoughts the rapid development and disappearance of a beer that while having a name, never really came to set as a style, at least in technical terms.
We talk about that and through that lens how hype and consumer demand for novelty and hard seltzer are shaping beer style and development.
Check out John’s podcasts:
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