Mark Haysman - Founders First
This week on the podcast, Matt chats with Mark Haysman, CEO of craft business accelerator Founders First.
We first spoke with Mark in February last year when Founders first was in its relatively early days and had taken a stake in Victoria’s Jetty Road Brewing and Newcastle’s Foghorn Brewhouse. It was an interesting conversation about the business’ plans for craft and where they saw their future and the future of craft. You can hear that conversation here.
Since then, it has invested in four further craft breweries, three distilleries and announced plans for some hospitality venues…not to mention raised almost $16 million in an IPO. If that wasn’t enough as we were about to record the podcast, Mark told me he wanted to announce Founders First’s major new rebrand – a new industry facing identity, Mighty Craft, an all-encompassing brand that aims to position the company as a leader in the Independent Craft Beverage Industry.
It seems as though our last conversation led directly to a number of breweries approaching Founders First and as the phrase craft beer business increasingly shifts the emphasis from craft to business, it’s always interesting to hear the insights of those deeply involved in it.
Enjoy this conversation with Mark Haysman.
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