Bonus: Chris Sidwa and Andrew Fineran - Batch Brewing

In this special edition of Beer is a Conversation, we talk about beer money.
As we recorded this, the Batch Brewing crowd-sourced funding campaign has been open for a day and has exceeded its minimum target, and is halfway to the $1.5 million full raise. Incidentally, it has nearly raised more in a day than BrewDog has in four months.
While the expression of interest phase has been going for a few weeks, we hadn’t covered the raise until now as the company’s financials and valuations hadn’t been available which we considered important to any meaningful discussion of the investment raise.
Now it’s out, we get to discuss the Batch business and its valuation with Chris Sidwa and Andrew Fineran.
As you’ll hear it’s a pretty robust discussion, as we talk about the – arguably – inflated valuations that crowdsourced funding permits for businesses and the prospects that they will be able to execute their expansion strategy in a highly competitive marketplace.
Matt is a big fan of Batch and Andrew and Chris, and respects them even more for being willing to openly discuss some of the important, sometimes challenging questions asked about equity crowdfunding their business.
Needless to say, none of what follows constitutes investment advice. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check the information in this podcast – and the offer – and how it relates to your unique circumstances.
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