Brews News Live - BrewCon19: Axel Jany
Thanks to Bintani we were able to take Radio Brews News to BrewCon and capture a little of what was on offer to those who were lucky enough to get to Australian craft brewing’s annual conference and trade show.
In this episode we chat with Weyermann Malt’s Axel Jany.
Axel is an international customer consultant for Weyermann but when we sat down to speak I was intrigued that he was a beer sommelier, something I don’t associate with German beer, so I ask him about that and what follows is a wide ranging chat about German beer culture, how it is facing the challenges of the hop-driven craft beer wave, naming conventions and whether Berliner Weisse is an appropriate style name for a beer brewed other than in Berlin, and – of course – malt and the influence that malt and terroir can play in a beer.
It’s a great chat with a passionate character in the craft beer world, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
BrewCon 2020 will take place on September 21 and 22 next year.
Enjoy the conversation.
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