Brews News Week Episode 188
This week on Brews News Week Matt is joined by marketing expert Zoe Ottaway from Totem Marketing to discuss the beer news and events of the week.
This week we discuss Brisbane’s Beeries Awards and especially Kerry Claydon and Chicks With Ales winning the Gold Beerie for Community Contribution, but we also discuss what industry’s responsibility is when it comes to projecting a positive image for beer and whether a sense of fun and promotion of responsible drinking are mutually exclusive. We refer to this great article to highlight the benefits that come from a positive view of craft beer.
Zoe also discusses the importance of breweries and businesses having a crisis management plan in place for when the unexpected happens.
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All letter writers will receive a brews news bottle opener and go into the draw to win a mixed six-pack thanks to our good friends at Beer Cartel who sponsor our letter for the week.