Words fail me...

I was absolutely not going to post about Byron Bay Pale Lager today. But reader CraigC collected his mail and found the latest catalogue from Coles-owned First Choice…I had to share his outrage.

Remember when Avis used being number two as a positive, with the famous “We Try Harder” campaign?This photo is an example of what happens when the Australia’s number two brewer and the number two retailer get together on a campaign.

I would love to think that their campaign is called “We Lie Harder” but that would just be an easy line used used for comedic effectto achieve a cheap laugh and should not be interpreted in any way, expressly or impliedly, as describing or characterising the behaviour of the parties described in this article.

I can say, though, that I most assuredly do want to try a pale lager from the Byron Bay Brewing Company located on Skinners Shoot Road in idyllic Byron Bay…unfortunatelyColes’ liquor outlets can’t help me with that unless they now provide travel services.

First Choice Ad

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