Takeaway alcohol restrictions lifted in WA
- Temporary takeaway alcohol restrictions lifted
- Restrictions were imposed to limit extra pressure on health system, police and community services responding to COVID-19
- Western Australian public commended for positive conduct during social distancing measures
Takeaway alcohol restrictions implemented as part of the State Government’s response to COVID-19 have been lifted.
The temporary restrictions were put in place in late March to ensure the State was well prepared to respond to COVID-19 as increased social distancing measures were applied.
The restrictions were designed to minimise alcohol-related problems in the community, ensuring the health system, police and community services could focus on the response to the virus.
Racing and Gaming Minister Paul Papalia commended the Western Australian public for their conduct, saying the positive response from the community allowed the restrictions to be eased after only a few weeks.
Existing takeaway alcohol restrictions unrelated to COVID-19 in particular communities will remain in place.
Comments attributed to Racing and Gaming Minister Paul Papalia:
“I would like to thank Western Australians for acting responsibly during this difficult time – helping to ensure no extra pressure was placed on our health system, police or community sectors.
“These measures were put in place to ensure those essential workers could focus on the State’s response to COVID-19, and the WA public has acted commendably during this period.
“I would like to thank the Liquor Stores Association of WA, the Australian Hotels Association (WA) and the industry at large for their co-operation.
“We ask all Western Australians who consume alcohol to do so responsibly, while practising social distancing and following all public health advice.”