An apology from the Editor of Australian Brews News

An apology from the Editor of Australian Brews News.

At Australian Brews News we pride ourselves on having a voice and letting our readers know what we think. However, I went too far yesterday when I described the work undertaken by CUB’s marketing team as merely involving ‘thinking up new ways to put lipstick on a pig’.

My intention was to indicate that I thoughtthe way in which CUB had communicated its one-off release of Brisbane Bitter and Bulimba Gold Top wasn’t quite accurate. I intended to suggest that the company was dressing up its real reason for releasing the beer in a way that sought to present the release as being something more than it was. In my desire to use a creative verbal flourish to engage the reader, I chose a commonly-used and colourful simile.

I accept that some readers may have come to the conclusion that I was suggesting that the beers made by CUB were ‘pigs’ in a way that could be taken as implying that the beers themselves were of a lower production quality than they actually are. This was not my intention and, while I think that the meaning of the sentence was clear from the context, I apologise if any misunderstandings resulted.

I also apologise unreservedly to the marketing staff at CUB for the hurt that my attempt at levity may have caused. I should not have associated individuals with my attempt at humour. In doing so my remarks may have caused hurt and distress. This was not my intention and I am genuinely sorry.


Matt Kirkegaard, Editor.

PS. Now that we all seem to agree that inaccurately using words to provide a creative flourish can leave the reader with a false impression, would you mind ending your $5-million campaign for Crown Lager that clearly suggests that the beer only has four ingredients? Or even just change the wording? It won’t take much from that $5 million budget to change the copy to include the words “and cane sugar” and “Sixth”. No return apology necessary.

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