Angels to enjoy a Bar(e)-ly treat

*WARNING; This article will contain several gratuitous knob gags. Set the counter now. Barley’s Angels is a series of Girls Only beer events designed to give the fairer sex an opportunity to become involved in craft beer in a friendly and welcoming environment. In Australia the ‘movement’ is in the more than capable and beautifully manicured hands of The Beer Diva, Kirrily Waldhorn who has hosted a variety of events from simple tastings to food, chocolate and even cupcake matching.

Until now (apart from one isolated incidence of non gender-specific online booking slip-up) the ‘No Boys Allowed’ sign has been firmly in place. Many, perhaps including your correspondent, have tried in vain to infiltrate the perfumed inner sanctum. This is about to change.

The next instalment looks to be the most exciting and innovative ever presented. At The Local Taphouse St Kilda on October 9th and in Darlinghurst on the 22nd, Barley’s Angels will present ‘Beer meets (Life) Art’ a night of beer and life drawing with real live models who are men-types. Despite the obvious disappointment expressed by some at the news that your very own Professor was engaged and then replaced as the life model for the Melbourne gig, the event is tipped to sell-out quickly. The Prof was all set to don a hop leaf and pose for the ladies but there was a snag (1) in the booking and now an acting friend of Guy ‘Laser Level’ Greenstone has replaced me. It was between the two of us and I’m told I was stiff to miss out on the job. (2) If nothing else it saves me the trouble and pain of having to do some serious toning exercise, not to mention the requisite manscaping requiring a general anaesthetic and a whipper-snipper.

“Schooner or pony?”

So how does it work? Those who were fortunate enough to experience the Beer Diva’s sensory-music-beer event at GABS in May this year will know that when Kirrily puts on a show it is sure to be more than just a beer tasting. Art pads and sharpened pencils (3) along with a generous quantity of fine craft beer will combine to create a pleasant evening of sipping and sketching to cater to all skill levels. You can immerse yourself in the artistic process if you so desire or, if it’s more your style, you can simply doodle. (4)

The life model will provide the inspiration for the participants artistic side and the beer will serve to either suppress or amplify the giggles. Either way, Barley’s Angels is again providing an innovative and interesting way in which to enjoy good beer. So don’t delay, book now. This event has limited numbers and many will be hanging out (5) for a chance to express their creativity.

Details; and you can book through the website or through the venues. Cost is a very small (6) $25 which includes your materials for the night, beer and nibbles (?) Things kick off at 7pm.

*I need to clarify my reasons for promoting this event in the cheeky way that I have. During a long (8) discussion with Kirrily I discovered that some have suggested that Barley’s Angels’ events have tended to, well, perhaps lean toward either the ‘girly’ (cupcake matching) or ‘Hen’s Night-y (this one) and that this is not the point of the movement. I have to disagree. Anything that gives girls the opportunity to engage with the beer community and further their beer experience in a way that makes them feel more comfortable is to be applauded. It isn’t for everyone and many prefer the co-ed nature of other beer tasting events. And that’s fine. Just book for the ones that suit your mood, your budget, your palate or your artistic preferences. And have a ball. (9)

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