ANHC3 Club Night in Full Swing
Media Release
ANHC3 preparation is in full swing with Club Night set to be bigger than ever.
An entire evening has been dedicated to Club Night this year, as Australia’s home brew clubs show off their best beers.
Your Club Night evening will include a fantastic three course roast dinner, a chance to sample Australia’s most excellent and innovative club beers, the opportunity to rub shoulders with attendees and presenters of the conference, while no doubt having loads of fun in the process.
However, the night won’t succeed without YOU!
Step one – Ensure you have tickets. Click here to purchase.
Step two – If you’re in a club and wish to have a spot at club night – please email clubnight@anhc.com.au and let us know the following details:
- Request space for your club.
- Requirements for any serving equipment – We can provide ice, gas and have some dispensing equipment that can be used (this will be allocated preferentially to interstate clubs).
- Your intention to enter the SysMash competition – If yes, please include beer details.
- Please provide a beer list by the first week of October if you would like it to be included in the printed program.
- If possible, we would like each club to nominate a RSA (responsible service of alcohol) certified member who will help guide service of alcohol at each club stall.
- The actual event will be held on the evening of Saturday the 27th of October. If your club has equipment to drop off, we advise you contact us to organize this, prior to the 27th.
Step three – Prepare for awesomeness. There will be some great prizes available for best themed club, best overall club, best individual costume and various beer prizes on the night. Hope to see you all there.
Since 1986 our 100% pure liquid yeast cultures and fermentations products have been crafted with skill and integrity. Our continuing devotion to providing superior products, insightful technical expertise and helpful customer service has earned Wyeast the reputation as a worldwide industry leader. Whatever your fermentation needs, we have the products and the technical expertise to guarantee your success.
Wyeast products are available to home enthusiasts through the finest beer and wine making shops worldwide. We also supply our products to commercial fermentation companies around theworld.