Australia’s best beer?
Swan Valley microbrewery Feral Brewing Company has again performed well at the Perth Royal Beer Show held in Perth on the Friday night picking up a swag of awards, topped off by the claiming the coveted award for Best Western Australian beer for Feral Hop Hog for the second year.
This ads to a string of major awards for the hop driven Feral beer, which was named Champion Ale at the recent 2011 Australian International Beer Awards and came in at number three in the Critics’ Choice poll and number four in the Local Taphouse annual Hottest 100 poll. It’s results in the major competitions and popularity polls give the beer a very strong claim to being Australia’s best beer.
Feral Brewing’s head vrewer Brendan Varis was understandably proud of the award.
“Given the standard of entries received from all around Australia, it is both an honour and very humbling to be recognised in this way two years in a row,” he said.
“We go about the business of making the most interesting and highest quality beer we can all day every day and receiving awards like this one certainly help motivate us to continue strive for excellence.”
Western Australian Brewers Association President John Stallwood congratulated Feral on their win.
“WA is the home of craft beer, so for Feral Hop Hog to win this award two years in a row is outstanding,” John said.
“Feral Brewing is one of the best breweries in the world and consistently win awards which is very hard to do.
“Recently WA dominated the Australian International Beer Awards in Melbourne and last night was a real show down between some great WA breweries.”
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John, who also brews under his own Nail brand also did well with his Nail Stout winning a gold medal and the title of Best Australian Draught Stout. Nail Stout also won silver and best Australian packaged stout. It is the 8th time that Nail Stout has won best Australian stout.
“WA Breweries that performed well with tough judging include Feral, Swan, Nail, Old Coast Road, Mash and The Monk. There are over 30 breweries in WA and there is a real depth of quality.
“Last night also opened WA Beer Week which ends next Sunday at the Sail and Anchor. Why not buy and try WA beer this week.”
The PRBS has been showcasing premium beer and brewing excellence in the Australia since 2006 and has grown in stature to be one of the most highly regarded awards in the industry. Over 260 beers were judged this year.
Information for WA beer Week can be found on www.wabeerweek.com
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Perth Royal Beer Show
Commercial Awards
The Hopco Trophy for best Commercial Brewery:Swan Brewery Co Pty Ltd
The Premiers Trophy for the Best Western Australian Beer of the Show:Feral Brewing Cofor “Hop Hog”
The Beer and Beef Club of Perth Trophy for Best Commercial Beer of the Show:Holgate Brewhousefor “Hopinator”
The Sail and Anchor Trophy for Best WA Brewery:Swan Brewery Co Pty Ltd
The Cryer Malt Trophy for Best Lager Draught:Swan Brewery Co Pty Ltdfor “Swan Draught”
The Edith Cowan University Trophy for Best Lager Packaged:Swan Brewery Co Pty Ltd
Beef and Beer Club of Perth Trophy for Best Ale Draught:Feral Brewing Cofor “Fanta Pants”
Beer and Brewer Magazine Trophy for Best Ale Packaged:Holgate Brewhousefor “Hopinator”
Hopco Trophy for Best Stout Draught:Nail Brewingfor “Nail Stout”
Edith Cowan University Trophy for Best Stout Packaged:Nail Brewingfor “Nail Stout”
The Cryer Malt Trophy for Best Wheat Beer Draught:Mash Brewingfor “Weizenbock”
The Pall Australia Trophy for Best Wheat Beer Packaged:Old Coast Road Breweryfor “Acres of Wheat”
Amateur Awards
James Squire Trophy for Best Amateur Brewer:Brendan O’Sullivan
The Brewmart Trophy for Best Amateur Beer of the Show:Brendan O’Sullivanfor “The Sofa King Hoppy”
The T.W.O.C Trophy for Best Lager:Damien Bussmakerfor “Damo’s Dark”
Beer and Beer Club of Perth Trophy for Best Stout:Andrew Churchmanfor “Oatmeal Stout”
Brewmart Trophy for Best Ale:Brendan O’Sullivanfor “The Sofa King Hoppy”
The Deliverance Trophy for Best Wheat Beer:Brendan O’Sullivanfor “Oh, a Weisse guy, eh?”
Full Results
Commercial Section
Lager Packaged
Australian Style Lager
- Gold – Swan Brewery Swan Draught
- Bronze – Swan Brewery Emu Bitter
European Style Lager
- Bronze – Redoak Marzen Lager
- Bronze – Holgate Brewhouse Pilsner, Matilda Bay Bohemian Pilsner, Pikes Oakband Beer Pikes Oakband Pilsner
Lager Draught
Australian Style Lager
- Gold – Swan Brewery Swan Draught
- Bronze – Swan Brewery Emu Bitter
European Style Lager
- Silver – Duckstein Maibock
- Bronze – Last Drop Fassbier, Matsos Hit The Toad, The Old Brewery Riverside Lager
- Silver – Cowaramup Brewing Cowaramup Pilsener, Matilda Bay Bay Bohemian Pilsner
- Bronze – Elmar’s Elmar’s Einstein Pilsner, Indian Ocean Indi Pils, Old Coast Rd OCRB Pilsener
Dark Lager
- Silver – Elmar’s Elmar’s Schwarz Bier
- Bronze – Duckstein Duckstein Doppelbock, Last Drop Last Drop Dark, Schwartz Brewery Schwarz Dark Bier
- Silver – Mash Mash Eisbock
Ale Packaged
Australian Style Pale Ale
- Bronze – Endeavour Endeavour True Vintage 2010 Reserve Pale Ale
British Style Pale Ale
- Bronze – Holgate E.S.B., Old Coast Rd Harris Bitter, Redoak Redoak Special Strong Bitter
American Style Pale Ale
- Gold – Feral Hop Hog
- Silver – Matilda Bay Alpha Pale Ale
- Bronze – Billabong Nelson Sauvin Ale
India Pale Ale
- Gold – Holgate Hopinator
- Bronze – Gage Roads Sleeping Giant IPA
Amber Ale
- Bronze – Endeavour Endeadvour True Vintage 2010 Reserve Amber Ale
Dark Ale
- Bronze – Holgate Temptress
- Bronze – Bootleg The Grandfather
Ale Draught
Australian Style Pale Ale
- Bronze – The Monk The Monk Pale
British Style Pale Ale
- Silver -Tanglehead Tanglehead Pale Ale
American Style Pale Ale
- Silver – Billabong Nelson Sauvin Ale, Feral Hop Hog
- Bronze – Matilda Bay Alpha Pale Ale, The Old Brewery Angus Pale Ale
India Pale Ale
- Gold – Feral Fanta Pants, The Monk Chief Black Fox
- Bronze – Duckstein Duckstein Altbier
Amber Ale
- Silver – Moody Cow Grunter’s Original Ale
Dark Ale
- Bronze – Blackwood Valley Blackwood Nut Brown
- Gold – Colonial Colonial Pale Ale, Mash Mash Scotch Ale
- Silver – Colonial Colonial Kolsch, Feral Funky Junky, The Monk The Monk Rauch
- Bronze – Blacksalt Blacksalt Original, Blacksalt Blacksalt Dark, Blackwood Valley Blackwood Irish Red, Feral B.F.H.
Stout Packaged
- Bronze – Prickly Moses Otway Estate Prickly Moses Otway Stout
- Silver – Nail CLOUT Stout
- Silver – Nail Nail Stout
Stout Draught
- Bronze – Blackwood Valley Blackwood Stout
- Gold – The Monk The Monk Porter
- Silver – Colonial Colonial Porter
- Bronze – Old Coast Rd PBH Strong Porter
- Gold – Nail Nail Stout
- Bronze – Limeburners Limeburners Stout
Reduced Alcohol Packaged
- Gold – Swan Brewery XXXX Gold
- Silver – Swan Brewery Hahn Super Dry
Reduced Alcohol Draught
- Gold – Swan Brewery Hahn Super Dry
- Silver – Swan Brewery XXXX Gold, The Monk The Monk Mild
Wheat Beer Packaged
- Bronze – Bootleg Sou West Wheat
- Bronze – Old Coast Rd Acres of Wheat
Wheat Beer Draught
- Silver – Matso’s Monsoonal Blonde
- Silver – Last Drop Last Drop Wheat, Matilda Bay Redback Original
- Bronze – Last Drop Last Drop Hefeweizen
- Silver – Mash Mash Weizenbock
- Bronze – Colonial Colonial WitBier
Amateur Section
European Style Lager
- Bronze – Patrick Brosnan Pipers River Dort
Dark Lager
- Silver – Damien Bussemaker Damo’s Dark, Patrick Hollingdale Schwarzbier
- Bronze – Gryphon Brewing Munich Dunkel
- Bronze – Gryphon Brewing Hell Its Bock
Australian Style Pale Ale
- Bronze – Fremantle Ales Bullet Ale, Ronald Sullivan Ron’s Aust Ale
European Style Pale Ale
- Bronze – Matt Waugh Sealed Bottles
American Style Pale Ale
- Silver – Paul Marcos 10AAmerican Pale Ale
- Bronze – Patrick Brosnan Pipers River USIPA, Paul de Lestang Pale Ale, Fremantle Ales Casual Agitator (ferment hop US05), Fremantle Ales Casual Agitator
India Pale Ale
- Gold – Brendan O’Sullivan Sofa King: Hoppy
- Silver – Sigi Jekabsons Imperical IPA, Lance Tucker English IPA
- Bronze – Gryphon Brewing English IPA, Maltmans Maltmans India Pale, Lance Tucker American IPA
Amber Ale
- Gold – Matt Waugh Sealed Bottles
Dark Ale
- Gold – Brendan O’Sullivan Iron Brew
- Bronze – Brendan O’Sullivan Dubbel or Nothing, Brendan O’Sullivan Quad Damage, Ronald Sullivan Ron’s Dark Ale
- Gold – Fremantle Ales Wicked Ale, Fremantle Ales Buckels Bitter
- Silver – Tim Fenner Tim’s Poncy Quad, Brendan O’Sullivan Sassy Burgundy, Brendan O’Sullivan Pudding, Red Robin English Best Bitter
- Bronze – Andrew Dykstra Kuttbak, Tim Fenner Beardy Beer – The End, Fremantle Ales Standard Wheat Beer, Fremantle Ales Spiced Strong Ale, Gryphon Brewing Strong Cherry Ale, Gryphon Brewing Alt Bier, Patrick Hollingdale Cream Ale, Sigi Jekabsons 100% Brett, Brendan O’Sullivan Old Browny, Cameron Stewart Sorachi Ace Single Hop Session Ale, Ronald Sullivan Ron’s Barley Wine
- Bronze – Fremantle Ales Invalid Stout, Maltmans Maltmans Russian Imperial Stout, Brendan O’Sullivan RIStretto, Matt Waugh Sealed Bottles
- Bronze – Sigi Jekabsons 1805 Brown Porter, Brendan O’Sullivan Portyrannosaurus Rex
- Gold – Red Robin Oatmeal Stout
Reduced Alcohol
- Bronze – Andrew Dykstra Golden Groper Ale
Wheat Beer
- Bronze – Andrew Moore Western Wheat
- Gold – Brendan O’Sullivan Oh, a Weisse guy, eh?
- Bronze – Red Robin Mango Wheat Beer
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