BrewCon 2021 cancelled
The Independent Brewers Association announced yesterday that it has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s BrewCon.
The brewer’s conference and Trade Expo, which includes the Indies beer awards, was set to be held this year on the Sunshine Coast between 31st August and 1st September.
But following a resurgence of COVID-19 in NSW and uncertainty in other states which has prompted lockdowns and restrictions across the country, the IBA has made the decision to reschedule the event.
“Given the current outbreak of COVID-19 the situation with border restrictions, and the fact that our venue is now being used exclusively by the NRL, we have made the difficult decision to cancel BrewCon 2021,” it said in a statement to its members.
“Although we have worked tirelessly to investigate all options, we are aware that there is a general reticence to travel, however we thank everyone who has been optimistic enough to book accommodation and purchase tickets.”
The next BrewCon will be held in August or September 2022, the IBA said. However the Indies this year will still go ahead, after a move to a virtual event last year.
The organisation is planning to hold the awards ceremony virtually again this year in October, with official state parties.
“We received a record 1381 entries this year, so it looks like being one to remember. All entrants will have received instructions pertaining to new delayed delivery dates and updated information. Updated information dates and forms will be sent out to entrants tomorrow. Please contact Siobhan at events@iba.org.au for more information.”
All deposits paid to the IBA will be refunded (email brewcon@iba.org.au), BrewCon tickets will be automatically refunded via Eventbrite, and hotel bookings will also be refunded. Please contact stay@twinwatersresort.com.au with reference: IBA Event.
Last year the IBA was forced to postpone the event twice, eventually moving it online with the event, hosting the awards ceremony for the Indies virtually.