Brewers Association CEO steps down
Articles published under the media release byline are news produced by the relevant business and remain unedited by Brews News. This media release was circulated by the Brewers Association.
AFTER more than three-and-a-half years as CEO of the Brewers Association of Australia, Brett Heffernan is moving on to pursue other opportunities and interests.
The Chairman of the Brewers and CEO of Carlton & United Breweries, Peter Filipovic, said the Board is sad to see Brett leave but wishes him all the best in his future endeavours.
“During his three-and-a-half years Brett has overseen considerable change at the Brewers Association, representing the Association well with the Federal and State and Territory governments, working effectively with other industry associations and bodies, and successfully managing the de-merger of the Australian and
New Zealand arms of the Association.
“Brett has elevated within government and across the community the positive and substantial contribution that beer makes to Australian jobs and the national economy.
“Furthermore, Brett has led our campaign for lower beer tax and has effectively made the case, publicly and with politicians, that Australia’s beer tax is too high.
“The Association’s media coverage of our issues has never been higher or more positive.
“The Board would like to thank Brett for his valuable contribution as CEO.”
Mr Heffernan thanked the Board for its unwavering support and guidance, saying “the time is right to go”.
“I have enjoyed my time at the Brewers Association. Aside from the Board, I want to pay particular thanks to Sarah Lovett. When it comes to small teams, they don’t come any smaller than Brewers,” he said. “She has been my right arm for the last three-and-a-half years, continually stepping-up to do whatever is required to make our two-person team work.
“I’m proud the Brewers Association is in a better position than when I assumed the role. It has been a wild ride, interesting and fun, and always challenging. The challenges have been made easier by being surrounded by people of impeccable character and good humour.
“I’ve decided that the time is right to take on a new challenge and I look forward to what the future brings.”
The Board of the Brewers Association of Australia wishes Brett every success in whatever he chooses to turn his hand to next.
Mr Heffernan concludes in the role on Friday 21 August, 2020. The Brewers Association will now commence a national search for a new CEO.