Bridge Rd doctors up some sours
Bridge Road Brewers and Doctor’s Orders Brewing have collaborated on four sour beers called Spontaneously Fermented.
The project took one base beer and split it into four separate beers: The original base, plus three other beers using the addition of Rhubarb, Grapefruit and Raspberries.

Darren ‘Doc’ Robinson, Ben Kraus and friends sampling the new beers (picture courtesy Bryn Price of Blue Doors Studio)
“The base beer was made using a sour mash process where the wet mash was allowed to stand for 48 hours to allow some wild fermentation and natural souring,” Bridge Road Brewers’ Ben Kraus told Australian Brews News.
“After this period the brew was continued and the partially fermented wort was boiled and transferred to the fermenter.
“A combination of brettanomyces, German ale yeast and lactobacillus was used to finish the fermentation process,” he said.
All four beers will be available on tap to try alongside each other in Melbourne at Alehouse Project and Local Taphouse St Kilda, and in Sydney at Hotel Sweeneys and Bitter Phew.
They will also be available in a four-pack of bottles at selected craft beer-focused independent retailers.