Brisbane celebrates inaugural Beeries awards

The Beeries in Brisbane
At the inaugural Beeries awards held in Brisbane last night, seven lucky award recipients walked away with public acknowledgement for their contribution to the good beer and cider community of Brisbane.
More than 2000 votes were received from the public and industry across six categories with the winners announced at an awards dinner at the Royal International Convention Centre in front of a crowd of beer and cider lovers, industry professionals and peers.
- Best Beer Tender sponsored by The Crafty Pint: Emily Phoebe Smith, Brewski
- Best Beer & Cider Retailer sponsored by Stone & Wood Brewing: Sam Kent, Malt Traders
- Best Brewer sponsored by Fitz + Potts: Matt Jancauskas, Brouhaha Brewery
- Best Cider Maker sponsored by The Beer InCider Experience: Harry Moses, Pagan Cider
- Best Brewery/Cider Rep sponsored by Balter: Lou Klatte, Stone & Wood Brewing
The Gold Beery for Best Community Contributor sponsored by Thirsty Merchants was awarded to Mark Howes from Newstead Brewing, for his numerous research and philanthropic activities, including donating the entire batch of the Brewsvegas Beer in 2017 to be used as Karma Kegs which ultimately raised tens of thousands of dollars.
Howes has also sponsored a PhD student to research, document and develop wild yeasts of Brisbane, made significant contributions to the growth and development of gypsy brewing in Brisbane and ‘old’ Newstead is now a second home to Brisbane’s gypsy brewing community.
The Beeries Advisory Panel, comprising of Rory Gibson, Les Riddell, Kerry Claydon, Hugh Doyle, Cassie Potts, Matt Emmerson and Marty Keetels, also awarded a Special Achievement Award, sponsored by KAIJU! Beer, to beer aficionado, educator and writer, Matt Kirkegaard from Brews News, for his ongoing contribution to the beer and cider community.
The event was emceed by ABC Radio’s Rebecca Levingston and Ben Kooyman, Chair of the Independent Brewers Association, gave the key note speech.
All proceeds raised from The Beeries will be donated to Brewsvegas, a not-for-profit organisation which annually celebrates beer in Brisbane, and Red Rose Foundation, a charity committed to ending deaths caused by domestic violence.