CBIA announces #1 Beer Enthusiasts and new website
Media Release
CBIA announces #1 Beer Enthusiasts and new website
The Craft Beer Industry Association has today announced that Senator Christine Milne, Leader of the Australian Greens, and Mr Rob Oakeshott MP, Member for Lyne, have agreed to take up the positions of joint Number 1 CBIA Beer Enthusiasts.
The Craft Beer Industry Association is the national body representing Australia’s craft brewing industry. It aims to work with the broader craft beer community to protect, promote and grow the Australian craft beer industry.
The Beer Enthusiast membership is designed for individuals who are passionate about good beer and want to be involved in helping to develop the craft beer industry in Australia.
“We are delighted that Senator Milne and Mr Oakeshott have agreed to take up the positions of joint Number 1 Beer Enthusiasts,” said Craft Beer Industry Association chair Brad Rogers.
“Our industry is thankful to them for the work they did in securing a measure of excise relief in the last Federal Budget.”
“I think every craft brewer in Australia wanted to buy them a beer but short of that we think that awarding them Number 1 CBIA Beer Enthusiast status is the next best thing,” he said.
“Senator Milne and Mr Oakeshott understand that the craft beer industry makes an important contribution to Australian society by providing employment opportunities in a broad spectrum of industries, not just in breweries, it also encourages tourism especially in regional and rural areas and it promotes a responsible drinking culture through the mantra of ‘Drink Less, Drink Better,’” Mr Rogers said.
“The CBIA recognises that a lot of people in our industry continue to put a great deal of effort into the campaign for tax reform. This result in particular was due in no small part to the efforts of Two Metre Tall and The Little Brewing Company establishing working relationships with their local members. A great example for all of us. ”
Senator Milne echoed these sentiments.
“One of the reasons I’ve been campaigning for changes to the alcohol tax regime since 2008 is because I believe craft beers are fantastic for creating sustainable local jobs, especially in rural and regional communities,” she said.
“I strongly support creating a more diversified economy that also promotes local producers, highlighting local ingredients, and local tourism.”
“Craft beers are not just great for beer appreciators; they’re great for the whole community.”
“It encourages responsible drinking by producing premium products that we can appreciate and admire. We support changes to the alcohol tax regime on public health grounds and to ensure a level playing field in the sector,” said Senator Milne.
Mr Oakeshott said he was delighted to accept the honour.
“I now have a certificate stating ‘Number 1 Beer Enthusiast’. Homer would be proud.”
“I am also pleased to reach a beer supply and beer confidence agreement with Senator Milne, and look forward to her announcing this at the National Press Club soon.
“On a more serious note, the challenges faced by small brewers in areas like taxation are very real and deserve greater attention and support from governments – federal and state.”
“Last year’s Federal Budget changes are now having a positive impact on the profitability of small brewing companies and on employment opportunities.”
“And as a down payment on future reform, that’s worth raising a glass to,” he said.
The Beer Enthusiast membership category will be available to the public from today when the Craft Beer Industry Association launches its new website. It will cost $50 per annum and benefits will include a CBIA pint glass, a CBIA bumper sticker, a regular newsletter, discounted entry to CBIA events and entry into regular prize draws.
The launch of the new website, www.australiancraftbeer.org.au, is an important milestone for the Craft Beer Industry Association.
It has been developed with a number of stakeholders in mind: the trade, media, politicians and bureaucrats, the broader brewing industry and, most importantly our members. The site will also provide visitors from outside of these stakeholder groups with considerable information about the Australian craft beer industry.
Each Craft Beer Industry Association member has a listing containing their contact details along with links to their website and social media.
The site will also feature a short video produced by The Post Project that celebrates Australian craft beer and the passion and hard work that goes into each and every glass.