Craft beer booming at Vintage Cellars

Gold Medal Winner: Dead Canary

Gold Medal Winner: Dead Canary

Vintage Cellars is meeting strong consumer demand for craft beers with an increased range of products that includes some medal-winning exclusives.

The retailer has continued to increase the shelf space it devotes to craft beer as drinkers graduate from mainstream, premium and imported beers, according to Vintage Cellars head of marketing Jon Yarnall.

It will come as no surprise that Pale Ale still dominates its craft beer sales, but Yarnall says Vintage Cellars has also registered strong growth in other styles such as ginger and other flavoured beers, as well as the more approachable India Pale Ales.

“We’re doing a lot more IPAs than we would have historically,” he says. “IPAs really started trending in the back half of 2015 and that continued into this year.”

Yarnall says the craft beer selection at each Vintage Cellars store is tailored to suit the demands of its unique customer base.

“It’s not just a cookie cutter approach. Each store is able to adapt their range for their local market,” he says.

“But we go through a process where we blind taste test our products every single week. Only if it gets through that process do we even consider ranging it in store.”

AIBA Medal Winners Two such products that have recently been added to Vintage Cellars’ exclusive range are the Dead Canary Pale Ale and Bitter Bitch India Pale Ale from New Zealand brewer, Parrotdog.

Dead Canary won a Gold Medal at the recent Australian International Beer Awards, with its stablemate Bitter Bitch picking up Silver.

Both beers received excellent feedback from the judging panel for their aroma, hop characters and overall great drinkability.

The AIBA took place on May 19 in Melbourne. Each year close to 1,800 beers from more than 325 breweries across 36 countries are judged in what is the world’s largest annual beer competition.

Judging both draught and packaged beer, 65 leading industry expects from Australia and around the world award the top brews and brewers with a seal of excellence, in the form of a Bronze, Silver or Gold award.

Australian International Beer Awards Winners – available to Vintage Cellars:

• Parrot Dog Brewing – Dead Canary
 Award: Best International Pale Ale – GOLD

• Parrot Bog Brewing – Bitter Bitch
 Award: Best IPA – SILVER

• Lorry Boys – Golden Ale
 Award: Best Australian Style Pale Ale – BRONZE

• 3 Pub Circus – Artisan Ale
 Award: Best Australian Style Pale Ale – BRONZE

For more information visit the Vintage Cellars website.

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