Creatures releases first ever can

Dog Days Summer Beer

Dog Days Summer Beer has become a permanent addition to the Little Creatures range, as well as its first ever product to be released in cans.

Little Creatures said Dog Days had proven popular when it was released as a summer seasonal in October 2015.

“The message from our fans was loud and clear: they wanted this beer all year round,” Creatures said.

“Our brewers couldn’t get enough of it either, so we’ve brought Dog Days back. For good. And for the first time in Little Creatures’ 16 year history, we’re putting our beer in a can.”

Canning line for Geelong Little Creatures is considering installing a canning line at its Geelong brewery.

Currently, Dog Days is brewed in Fremantle before being tankered for canning at Lion’s West End Brewery in Adelaide.

Little Creatures Fremantle head brewer Russell Gosling said that over the last three years, Australians had been drinking more and more summer beer styles, including ‘session’ beers and summer ales.

“The best news is these summer styles aren’t just for summer, and people are enjoying them year-round,” he said.

Dog Days Summer Beer is nowavailablethroughall good craft beer retailers.

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