Entries open for 2022 Royal Adelaide Beer Awards

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Entries for the 2022 Royal Adelaide Beer & Cider Awards (RABCA) are now open to beer and cider producers from Australia and New Zealand.

Established in 1844 and relaunched in its current format in 2010, this year’s RABCA will have 13 highly coveted trophies up for contention.

Chair of Judges Stephen Nelsen said last year’s competition attracted close to 300 entries from across Australia, and that he was hoping for an even bigger number in 2022.

“The industry has really forged ahead with hazy pale ales, with juicy hop profiles, taking the spotlight from sours and the diverse so-called IPAs of the past couple of years, so I’m excited to put the hop varieties head-to-head in some oaty goodness,” he said.

“The zero and low alcohol offerings looks like a competitive space; maybe our brewers are looking forward to standing up with a beer socially, after a long spell of ‘virtual’ cheer.

“As always, don’t be shy to send in your dark and malt forward brews, in recognition of the long-awaited Adelaide winter Beer and BBQ festival.”

Chief Judge of the RABCA cider section said he was looking forward to a growing number of cider entries featuring fruit.

“There is a definite trend of ciders with fruit, perhaps reflecting a similar interest in the brewing world,” he said.

“Cidermakers are refining their offerings, and they are more appealing each year.

“The mainstay apple ciders continue to diversify in style and sophistication, with new entrants and new products. Cider in Australia is still at the relatively early stages of a new wave of interest and cidermakers are responding with alacrity.”

Entries for the Royal Adelaide Beer & Cider Awards close 5.00pm ACST on Friday, May 20, 2022. The Royal Adelaide Beer and Cider Awards Presentation will be held on the opening night of the Adelaide Beer & BBQ Festival on Friday, July 15, with judging to be held in late June.

Information on all Royal Show competitive sections, including classes, criteria and closing dates, can be found by visiting www.theshow.com.au. For more information call the RA&HS on (08) 8210 5211 or (08) 8210 5253.

2022 Key Dates:

Entries Open: Friday 11th March Entries Close: Friday 20th of May Judging: Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd of June Awards Presentation: Friday 15th July Adelaide Beer and BBQ Festival: Friday 15th to Sunday 16th July 2022

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