Entries open for Sydney Royal Beer and Cider Show
One of the fastest growing industries in Australia, the Beer and Cider sector is about to take centre stage once again via the prestigious Sydney Royal Beer and Cider Show.
Entries have now opened for what is each becoming an increasingly diverse and exciting industry in Australia and gaining acclaim around the world.
In 2018, esteemed Sydney Royal judges will taste and award entries from 40 classes that include bottled and draught beers and ciders.
Chair of Judges for the 2018 Beer and Cider Show Neal Cameron says this competition serves several purposes;
“Of course the Sydney Royal Beer and Cider Show sets out to recognise and celebrate the very best product and producers we have in Australia, but it also offers up-and-coming beer and cider makers an opportunity to gain individual feedback from our expert judges,” Neal Cameron said.
“It is a rapidly expanding sector which lends itself to seemingly endless creative options and that is why last year for the first time we introduced a dedicated Experimental and Specialty Beer Champion category,” he said.
In 2017 Hope Brewhouse earned the title of Champion within this category for its superb Barrel-Aged Extra Stout.
“We also encourage Sours to be entered into the Experimental & Specialty classes this year, reflecting the growth of the affection for this style of Beer by brewers and drinkers alike”.
Entries for this year’s Sydney Royal Beer and Cider Show close at 5pm, Wednesday 16th of May 2018.
Further details can be found at: www.sydneyroyal.com.au/beercider
The judging will take place on the new date of Tuesday the 24th July, 2018 in the Southee Pavilion at Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park.
The Awards Presentation will take place in Hall 6 Sydney Showground on Saturday, 11th of August, 2018 from 12pm at the public tasting event; Grape, Grain & Graze Festival.