Good Beer Wheaty returns...

If Good Beer Week is Australia’s best beer festival, then Good Beer Wheatie is it’s awesome Fringe. If you’re not heading to Melbourne, or want to tack on a few days, it’s well worth heading to Adelaide… [MK]

Media Release

Good Beer WheatyWe blame the Yeastie Boys. After several beer-fuelledconversations with Stu & Sam at Good Beer Week 2011 we decided it would be an excellent idea to hold a Yeastie Boys concept tasting at The Wheaty.

When, several months later the Boys invited themselves to the Pub to make good our plan, we thought we may as well build a whole mini-beerfest around their visit – and so in 2012 Good Beer Wheaty was born.

With a nod to Melbourne’s very excellent Good Beer Week, we put together a collection of Craft Beer events of the kind The Wheaty already hosts – but over a concentrated period and with some very special bells and whistles. In short Good Beer Wheaty is a very short, very craft and very Wheaty celebration of good beer.

In 2014 we christened our brand spanking new 600L Premier Stainless Brewery with three Good Beer Wheaty Yeastie brews – a true baptism of fire.This year we’ve enlisted another clutch of extraordinary Collaborators to brew with;

  • Darren (Doctor’s Orders),
  • Joe (Liberty Brewing),
  • Leo (Birra delBorgo),
  • Brooks (Nomad),
  • Grant and Dennis (Modus Operandi) and Tom (Fixation Brewing).

Come July, we’ll all get tosample the fruits of these extraordinary collaborations…

And ‘spooning’* us in spirit – from afar – will be Yeastie Boy Stu, who, due to Empire Building commitments in Europe can’t make it to Thebartonthis May. But who promises to return, Yeastier than ever, in 2017…

*”Spooning”: The Yeastie Boys’ unique term for what the rest of us refer to as ‘Collaborating’.

Download the full program.

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