IBA announces corrections to Indies trophies
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The Independent Brewers Association must advise an incorrect scoring process was used to calculate State Champion Trophies.
As per our previous statement, the question was raised as to whether a State Champion Trophy was incorrectly awarded at the 2021 Indies Awards and, as a result of an initial investigation, it was decided that an independent audit was needed.
In 2019 a new scoring matrix to determine the State Champions was introduced and published in the entry booklet. The audit has determined the new scoring method was not implemented correctly in the processing of results and this error has impacted State Trophies awarded in 2020 and 2021.
However, the judging process was not impacted nor were the Champion or Class trophies.
The revised results are as follows:
- In 2021 the Champion Victorian Brewery is Future Mountain
- In 2021 the Champion NSW Brewery is Wildflower
- In 2021 the Champion South Australian is Mismatch
- In 2020 the Champion South Australian Brewery is Mismatch
The 2019 results are under analysis and each and every component of the Indies Awards will now be independently reviewed and feedback sought from our members to shape the competition so that it is reflective of the scale, diversity and professionalism of the industry.
“We are mortified that this error has occurred, as we pride ourselves on running these awards to the highest standard and know how much the results mean to the winners.” stated IBA Chief Executive Officer Kylie Lethbridge.
“We would also like to take this moment to congratulate the newly awarded winners. Their hard work shouldn’t be tainted, nor should the great results achieved by other breweries caught up in this error be diminished.
“We deeply apologise to all breweries impacted, this is something that has cut us to the core and because of the significance of this issue we will be undertaking a full review of how the Indies Awards are run in future.” stated Lethbridge.