NZ Brewers Guild AGM announced
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Notice of Annual General Meeting
In accordance with the Brewers Guild Rules, we hereby provide notice that the Brewers Guild of New Zealand’s 2021 Annual General Meeting will take place:
Monday, 14 March 2022 5.30pm and via Zoom (link to be provided)
Call for Nominations
We are seeking directors for nomination to the Board of the Guild.
The Guild continues to seek nominations that ensure both diverse geographic representation as well as representation across our diverse membership. Representation from non-brewing roles is also encouraged. To nominate for the board please complete thisBOARD NOMINATION FORM.As part of your nomination you will be asked to provide a short biography, a photo, your reason for wanting to join the Board of the Brewers Guild of New Zealand, as well as the details of a Nominator and Seconder who are both from organisations that are paid up members of the Guild.
For further information or to discuss the nomination process please contactmelanie@brewersguild.org.nz.
Nominations close at5pm on Wednesday 23rdFebruary 2022.
Get Involved
The AGM provides a useful opportunity to hear about the progress made in the 2020/21 financial year. The meeting is scheduled for one hour, however in the past they have been much shorter.
Sign up and participate. Further information and registration links will be sent to you via email in the coming weeks. Information will also be available on our website.
To be eligible to serve as a Director of the Guild your organisation must be a current financial Brewery Member of the Guild. Only one person from each Brewery Member may be on the board at any one time.
About the Board
The Board is ideally comprised of a diverse representation of our membership and currently comprises of 8 members, however we would like to see this increased to 9:
- Micro-Breweries – Three Directors
- Small Breweries – One Directors
- Medium Breweries – Three Directors
- Large Breweries – One Director
Eddie Gapper (Medium Brewery) and Brian Watson (Medium Brewery) were elected in 2020 for a term of two years.
The following Directors will be re-standing at the AGM:
- Paul Finney (Micro Brewery)
- David Nicholls (Micro Brewery)
- Sebastian Burke (Micro Brewery)
- Joseph Wood (Medium Brewery)
- Jason Bathgate (Medium Brewery)
- Keith Riley (Large Brewery)
Time Commitment
Directors can expect to spend between a maximum of 4-6 hours a month on Board activities together with one full day strategic planning event a year. Directors will also be invited to represent the Guild at member and industry events. The Guild are actively seeking candidates who can, as much as possible, commit to serving at least one full 2-year term.
Directors are unpaid volunteers. Out-of-Pocket expenses for meetings will be paid for by the Guild.