Prof Pilsner takes 'The Man Challenge': Week 10
Well, here we are. The end of the road. No, not really. In fact, not at all. If anything it’s just the beginning. The Man Challenge has shown me that with a little bit of education and a little bit of motivation results can be achieved reasonably easily. What once seemed like a distraction or a chore has, after ten weeks, become habit and just a part of the daily routine.
Week 10 Diary Entry.
“My last official week of workouts was taken on with something of a bittersweet enthusiasm. Taking on the last 6 workouts was done with determination and a sense of disappointment in equal measure. An email message from Adam challenged me to ‘rip in’ and finish the final stretch with vigour and the longer periods of High Intensity and shorter rests was going to give me a good idea of how much my stamina and strength had improved since June 27th. Still, I knew heading into the final week that I would soon miss the workouts and the ‘virtual company’ that they provided in those early morning workouts.
What I won’t miss, however, are burpees and push ups. Although I have to say my push ups are improving and I can feel the results. But I’m still very shit at them.
Completed this morning’s (Friday) last Celebrity Challenge with a rather brisk 30 seconds High Intensity with just 10 seconds rest. Sweatin’ like a fat man’s arse but went toe-to-toe with former Essendon champ Mark McVeigh nonetheless.
A final yoga workout tomorrow then presumably a farewell and “Well done, champ!” message from Paul Roos and Adam MacDougall on Sunday and my ten weeks will be done.
What I learned this week.
I have been truly surprised and pleasantly gratified by the encouragement via messages, emails, comments, phone calls and chats with so many blokes from within and around the Beer Community. I had hoped that by ‘going public’ with my health kick I would encourage and hopefully inspire other blokes to take a good hard look at their own lifestyle, exercise and eating habits but I can honestly say the feedback has been far greater in volume and in spirit than I could have imagined.
The next season of The Man Challenge starts on October 10. I would encourage anyone – male and female – to take a quick look at theprogram overviewand see if you think you might join me in a “Blokes (and Blokettes) of Beer Team to take on the next ten week challenge.
I’m happy to answer any questions you might have about any aspect of the program. Contact me through Brews News at this email address; profpilsner@brewsnews.com.au.
What else I learned this week.
“You can’t out-train a bad diet.” Adam MacDougall, Founder and Mentor, The Man Challenge.
If I’ve learned nothing else it’s that you really do get out what you put in. I’m walking, talking, singin’ & dancin’ proof of the value of being aware of what, when and why you eat and the importance of matching the input with exercise output.
Starting Weight – 89 kgs Week 10 Weigh up – 76 kilos.
Starting Waist – 45 inches Week 10 Waist measure – 36 inches
Weight loss for the 10 Weeks of The man Challenge 13kgs
Inches lost 9 inches.