Radio Brews News - Episode 68 - Brewmanity and Batch
After their unplanned hiatus, Pete and Matt are back, this week chatting with the guys behind beer-powered fundraiser Brewmanity and also the team at Sydney’s Batch Brewing.
Retired footballer David Neitz and teamed up with Melbourne beer identity Barney Matthews to create Brewmanity and see what would happen if you imagined that a portion of every beer we ever drank contributed to doing some good in the world…
We also speak with Andrew Fineran and Chris Sidwa, the boys behind Sydney’s Batch Brewing. We talk about their philosphy, the local market and why sometimes drinking beers from jam jars is a necessary evil…but good glass is always better.
Don’t forget to send us your feedback, or leave a voice mail by calling (07) 3040 1508, that we’ll play on our next show.
Radio Brews News is hosted by Matt Kirkegaard and Pete Mitcham and is produced by Lachie Mackintosh.
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