Unions toast victory over CUB

The picketing maintenance workers

The picketing maintenance workers

Carlton & United Breweries’ backdown in the Abbottsford brewery dispute represents a “historic win” for the union movement, ACTU secretary Dave Oliver said today.

As announced earlier, the 55 picketing maintenance workers have been invited to return to work in their previous positions on union terms and conditions.

The peak union body said CUB’s new owner AB InBev recognised the workers “are an integral part of one of the most successful, productive and profitable breweries in Australia, and deserve every cent of their bargained for wages and conditions”.

“This is a huge win for the union movement and the thousands of people who participated in the boycott of CUB products right across Australia,” the ACTU said.

CUB back on the menu The unions are glad tofinally be able to end the boycott on CUB products, said ACTU secretary Dave Oliver.

“I’m sure that with Christmas and New Year right around the corner our members and supporters will be relieved to hear that CUB is back on the menu,” he said.

“We hope that the unqualified success of this campaign is a clear indication to all employers that sham contracting and abuse of the labour hire system will not be tolerated.

“We call on the Turnbull government to introduce changes to labour hire and subcontracting laws so that no other workers have to go through what the CUB 55 have been forced to endure.”

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