Watchdog clears Angry Cock Cider

Angry Cock Cider
The alcohol advertising watchdog has dismissed a complaint about the branding of Yarra Valley producer Angry Cock Cider.
The label name Angry Cock “immediately brings to mind rape” and is “incredibly disrespectful when society is strongly advocating against violence toward women”, reads the complaint determined by the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code Panel in December last year.
“If the word cock is to be used then ‘friendly cock’ or ‘respectful cock’ would be more appropriate,” it says.
But the Panel ruled the brand name and packaging did not breach ABAC standards because it establishes that the word ‘cock’ relates to a rooster, and it does not contain elements or images that suggest violence or sexual activity.
“While the name might be said to be double entendre, it does not of itself raise suggestions of sexual violence,” the Panel said, dismissing the complaint.
The cider brand founded in 2015 took its name from an aggressive rooster owned by a family member, the Panel heard.