Episode 40: RBN Wears out the Crown

In this episode of Radio Brews News, Matt & Pete discuss the recent controversies about craft beer getting big, hipsters and its growing pains. We also play an interview Matt recorded last year with Tim Ovadia, General Manager Insight & Marketing Capability with CUB. It concludes the stories that we have done in recent years about the true history of Crown Lager, and we discuss the way forward for the beer and the brand including the last year’s release of Crown Golden Ale.

This is part one of the interview, next week we chat with CUB head brewer Jaideep Chandrasekharan about Crown Ambassador’s 2014 release.


We refer to the following article / sites in this episode.

Andy Crouch’s article: Wasted. How the craft-beer movement abandoned Jim Koch (and his beloved Sam Adams)

Why these craft beer pioneers hate snobs

Pete Brown’s article: What’s the difference between craft beer snobs and Kopparberg drinkers?

Tim Cooper – Keeping it in the Family.

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