Australian Cider Awards countdown begins
Apple and pear trees have started to blossom as the countdown begins to Australia’s largest cider show.
Entries to the 2019 Australian Cider Awards are due this Friday 27 September with another record year of entries anticipated.
Show organiser Cider Australia is ready to welcome this year’s international guest Tom Oliver from theOliver’s Cider & Perry (UK) who will bring a well-rounded perspective to the already impressive judging panel.
All producers and marketers that sell cider in Australia are encouraged to enter the competition to benchmark their products,receive feedback from independent experts and compete for medals which are a recognised stamp of excellence.
Award winners will be announced at a gala dinner on Friday 8 November.
The Awards promote and reward excellence in cider production and bring
together cider makers, industry suppliers, communicators, retailers, sommeliers and
Enter the Awards viamyaca.rasv.com.au
Full details on award classes including the style guide and rules are available on the Cider Australia website.
Tickets to the Australian Cider Awards Dinner are $135 and available throughEventbrite.