Ballistic relaunches core range
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Why is Queensland owned and operated Ballistic Beer Co. refreshing its packaging and tweaking its core range product offering? Because customers wanted them to!
Just after their third birthday, Ballistic began working on a fresh look and fresh taste with the relaunch taking place early June.
Ballistic Beer Co Head Brewer Lachy Crothers said earlier this year, they started thinking about how customers perceived their beers and brand.
“We conducted a number of focus groups and online surveys to gather as much information as we could – our customers told us our old, one-colour can designs didn’t reflect the liquid inside.”
Crothers said they listened and made a number of changes to the range culminating in a four-point plan: a liquid refresh, can refresh, name refresh and price refresh.
“We had a great base to work from and the designs and beers have served us very well but in the craft beer business if you aren’t evolving and moving forward you’re going backwards,” said Crothers.
“We have used this opportunity to make some of the changes we have been wanting to make for some time.”
The can refresh means the designs are lighter, brighter and better reflect the personality of the beers so consumers can see the beers on the shelf and easily identify what style of beer is in each can.
Wade Curtis, Ballistic Beer Co. Marketing Project Manager, said research indicates that customers usually select the type of beer they buy based on the style of beer, the brand of beer and the price.
“As a smaller producer we don’t have a huge advertising budget so we need our cans to jump off the shelf and into customers’ hands to try – we think the changes we have made do that,” said Curtis.
The changes to the range are as follows:
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The changes in ABV have also allowed Ballistic to maintain, or in some cases reduce, its wholesale prices and in turn make the beers more appealing to retailers and more affordable for customers.
“While the objective of the refresh was not to change prices we didn’t feel we could reduce the alcohol percentage and save on excise without passing this saving onto our wholesale and retail customers,” said Ballistic Beer Co CEO David Kitchen.
“We are banking on the new look, the tweaked recipes and the renewed marketing messages to really drive the Ballistic brand out of the current COVID-19 impacted environment and into the traditional beer buying periods of summer and Christmas.”
It’s the best reason to go Ballistic!
Consumers can find Ballistic Beer Co. beers in pubs and bars (once they reopen), independent bottleshops, major chain bottleshops and Ballistic’s own breweries and bars.