Bone Dry Cider out in new format
WillieSmith’s Organic Apple cider is changing the way it delivers its BONE DRY Cider from the Huon Valley, Tasmania to its loyal consumers.
BONE DRY was launched in April last year after key Willie Smith’s staff travelled from the Huon Valley on a study tour toSomerset and Herefordshire in the UK.
“Our Bone Dry Cider is becoming a popular cider in our range,” Willie Smith’s co-owner Sam Reid said.
“It’s still a tiny part of what we do but the people who like it absolutely love the fact it’s the driest cider in Australia. It’s particularly popular amongst people from the UK and Ireland who know their cider.”
Bar tenders across the country have given extremely complementary feedback about the product but have struggled to stock it in the 500ml format it was originally launched in.
“It’s not the kind of product that most venues feel they can put on tap as it’s too dry for your average drinker,” Mr Reid said.
“Unfortunately the 500ml bottles we are using aren’t very good in bars and restaurants from a pricing perspective and so we have decided to add a 330ml offering to the range. We think BONE DRY is a great alternative and will help to continue to evolve the category to more complex, drier styles of cider and a 330ml format enables more people to range it and more customers to trial it.”
BONE DRY is produced at William Smith and Son’s farm at Grove in the Huon Valley using organic apples grown on the property.
It is fermented out to dry, oak aged with French oak for a minimum of 3 months giving a super dry flavour profile with a big oak body and smooth clean finish that lingers with you long afterwards.