Brewers: List your beers!
Australia’s most influential craft beer poll is back. Each year thousands of beer fans around the country vote for their five favourite Australian craft beers and then enjoy the countdown on Australia Day.
In preparation for the GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers poll,brewers are being called on to ensure their beers are listed in time for voting to commence on 13 December.
The organisers have invested greatly in their systems to ensure the voting is as comprehensive aspossible, but many brewerspotentially miss out on votes in the first few days ofpolling as a result of not having beers registered.
The 2016 poll will be bigger than ever, with exciting activations planned for the countdown. And for the first time in its 9-year history, the Hottest 100 will also include a New Zealand edition.
The GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers is a proven sales driver for the industry, with brewers reporting significant sales spikes off the back of a ranking in the top 100. Every vote counts, so don’t miss out on seeing your beers in the results.
Brewers are invited to register their 2016 beers now at beerhub.com.au. Voting opens to the public on 13 December and the countdowns take place on Australia Day (AUS) and Waitangi Day (NZ).
You can vote and follow the countdown at Australian Brews News, or The Crafty Pint.