Coca-Cola Amatil building beer market share

Shane Richardson, Coca-Cola Amatil managing director, alcohol and coffee
The addition of new brands has bolstered Coca-Cola Amatil’s total beer market share to just under two per cent, alcohol boss Shane Richardson has revealed.
Coca-Cola Amatil recently acquired Feral Brewing and has also consolidated its market share through the addition of the Miller brands to its portfolio, Richardson told Brews News.
“We’re just under two [per cent] share of the entire beer category now. We’re not a mainstream brewer in this country and we don’t contest to play in that space, but we see that there’s a number of areas of the beer category that are in good growth. I think we’re well positioned in a lot of those,” he said.
As at October last year, Richardson said the company had just under a one per cent market share.
He would not nominate a target market share for Coca-Cola Amatil, whose former CEO Terry Davis once laid out ambitions for the company to take a 20 per cent slice of the premium beer segment.
“We’ve got great aspirations to continue growing. I’m not going to put a figure on it, but we have a long term plan of being a material player in this market,” he said.

Vonu Export
He said the company has been happy with the performance of the Yenda brand, which has reportedly grown its volume to in excess of three million litres since being created from scratch in early 2015.
“We’re very happy with the evolution of Yenda. We’ve evolved its packaging again and I think we’re in a nice position with Yenda at that entry point and real craft credentials with Feral,” Richardson said.
CCA recently announced the launch in Australia of Vonu Export, which is brewed by the company’s Fijian subsidiary Paradise Beverages.
The “ultra low carb and low gluten lifestyle brand” is targeted at 22 to 35-year-old males and females who enjoy the coastal and surfing lifestyle.