Coopers launches craft beer extracts
Coopers Brewery is launching a new series of DIY beer extracts in response to the growing interest in craft beer across the world.
The new premium quality brewing extracts are being released under the Thomas Cooper label and have been designed to help DIY brewers mimic most popular styles of craft beer.
At the same time, Coopers has revamped and refreshed the labelling for its Original and International DIY Beer extracts, adding multi-language information and nutritional panels.
Coopers Marketing Manager, Brewing Products, Mr Scott Harris, said craft beer was the fastest growing sector of the beer market world-wide and DIY brewers were increasingly looking to make craft styles of beer at home.
“This particularly applies to enthusiasts who have progressed from making basic brews to more intricate beer styles,” he said.
“The Thomas Cooper range comprises high quality pure malted barley extracts, each with its own specifically matched yeast blend and are designed to be used with additional brewing adjuncts to replicate the bolder characters and flavours associated with craft beers.
“A good example of this is the Brew A IPA which has a significant level of both bittering and aromatic hops matched with west coast style yeast which when made as directed will give a higher alcohol by volume (ABV) level, extra hoppy IPA typical of the north west USA craft breweries.
“The range is designed to encourage experimentation by experienced DIY brewers who want to further develop the brews into their own unique craft beer styles.”
Mr Harris said the new Thomas Cooper range included an Amber Ale, US American Pale Ale and US Indian Pale Ale (IPA), styles of beer which together represent the majority of craft beers consumed.
Another interesting aspect is that each concentrate in the new Thomas Cooper range has a name which is associated with events in Thomas Cooper’s life.
- 86 Days Pilsner (it took Thomas Cooper 86 days to sail from England to Adelaide in 1852). A fresh golden colour with a subtle malty sweetness, elegant refined herbal notes with a refreshingly clean, crisp bitter finish.
- Devils Half Ruby Porter (In 1862, brewery operations shifted to High Street, Kensington by an area known as the Devils Half Acre). A full bodied, dark black porter with ruby hints, chocolate toffee malt character, moderate bitterness with fruity hop notes and a rich, creamy head.
- Bootmaker Pale Ale (Thomas Cooper was originally a bootmaker). An American style Pale Ale with a rich amber colour, toffee malt flavours with citrus/pine hop aromas, refreshing, bitter finish and a rich creamy head.
- Brew A IPA (Brew A was Thomas Cooper’s first recorded brew). An American style IPA, full bodied, deep amber in colour with reddish hues. It has tropical citrus/grapefruit notes whilst the toasty amber malt balances a clean hop-filled, bitter finish.
- Preachers HefeWheat (Not just a bootmaker, Thomas Cooper was also a lay preacher). This is a Belgian style wheat beer with a bright, hazy gold appearance with soft textures, banana and clove aromas, smooth creamy white head and a refreshingly tart finish.
- Innkeepers Daughter Sparkling Ale (Thomas Cooper’s first wife, Ann, was an innkeeper’s daughter and Thomas used her recipe for his first commercial beer). An ale with a deep golden amber colour, full malt driven palate, distinctive fruitiness with banana esters, generously hopped with a clean bitter finish and strong creamy head.
- Family Secret Amber Ale (Like any family, Coopers has its own family secrets). A deep copper, mid bodied ale with biscuit-malt palate balanced by coffee caramel sweetness, a nutty finish with citrus hop notes.
Mr Harris said the labelling for the three Coopers’ ranges had been changed to meet demands of overseas markets and to give them a familiar “Coopers” feel. “Overseas markets now demand nutrition panels, while the old labelling was also due for a refresh,” he said.
Mr Harris said the new brewing extracts would start appearing on store shelves in coming days and were also available on-line (www.coopers.com.au).