Craft Brewers Conference issues coronavirus update
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The US Brewers Association has issued an update for attendees on the coronavirus and its impact on brewers planning to attend the Craft Brewers Conference in April.
Attendee Update
Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Craft Brewers Conference
We understand concerns about COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) are top of mind for our members, guests, and exhibitors who plan to attend the Craft Brewers Conference® & BrewExpo America® in San Antonio next month and we would like to take an opportunity to provide you with a few updates and resources.
The Brewers Association continues to closely monitor the developments of the COVID-19 outbreak and is in close and regular contact with the City of San Antonio. Currently, there are no plans to cancel or reschedule the event.
Currently, no federal restrictions are in place to prevent meetings and travel in the United States. However, misinformation — in the news, on social media and other channels — has led to some incorrect assumptions and premature calls for meeting cancellations in the U.S.
We’ve put together the information below to help answer questions you may have.
Will there be China-based exhibitors and attendees at CBC?
- Except for those with U.S.-based staff, exhibiting companies from China will not attend the event this year, and our thoughts are with them during this difficult time. The Brewers Association has had no major exhibit cancellations, except for manufacturers from China.
I’ve registered for CBC and am travelling from outside the United States. Can I get a refund on my registration?
- At this time, only attendees travelling from countries currently under U.S. travel restrictions related to COVID-19 are eligible for a full refund. Currently, those restrictions apply to those travelling from China. The Brewers Association is closely monitoring the situation and will update this policy as needed.
- The cancellation policy for exhibitors can be found in Exhibitor Terms & Conditions.
- For all others, the CBC cancellation policy applies.
Will beers from China or other affected areas be judged in the World Beer Cup competition?
- The Brewers Association is closely monitoring the situation and is currently planning on judging all entries received.
Coronavirus Resources
For accurate information on the coronavirus (COVID-19), we recommend the World Health Organization’s Q&A.
Health officials are recommending the same personal best practices that are standard for a typical flu season (e.g., frequent handwashing).
Guidance for Travelers
Travelers are encouraged to always exercise healthy travel habits when travelling and to follow guidance issued by official sources of public health information. At this time, there are no restrictions on travel within the United States.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- World Health Organization
- U.S. State Department
- U.S. Travel Association
The Brewers Association is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of all attendees and is working with the City of San Antonio, the Henry B. Gonzales San Antonio Convention Center, and our room block hotels to ensure extra attention is paid to cleanliness.
For additional questions, please contact CBC20@BrewersAssociation.org and a team member will respond as quickly as possible.
We thank you for your support and look forward to welcoming the craft beer community to San Antonio in April!
Nancy Johnson
Senior Vice President of Meetings and Events
Brewers Association
Paul Gatza
Senior Vice President of Professional Brewing Division
Brewers Association
Australian Brews News will be in in San Antonio covering the best of the Craft Brewers Conference. Watch out for our coverage in April. If your business will be attending, contact us to discuss how we can work with you to cover your involvement.