Fermentis Academy launches in Australia
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With a whole range of new yeast and bacteria strains reaching the market, it’s more important than ever for brewers to understand and develop their knowledge of the latest in yeast technology and research.
To help, Fermentis, in association with Bintani, has announced its first Fermentis Academy in Australia on Tuesday 10th December at Starwood Distillery in Port Melbourne, bringing brewers together for a full-day technical event.
Fermentis Academy events have already been organised across the world, including in the US, Argentina, Brazil, China, Chile, Korea, Japan, India and many other countries, bringing hundreds of brewers together to share knowledge about the micro-organisms that are essential to brewing.
Attendees will be able to update their knowledge of the fast-moving world of yeast, benefit from the knowledge of Fermentis specialists in brewing, fermentation and yeast physiology, and learn about the latest developments in the field.
Fermentis Academy sessions cover a range of topics including best practice in yeast handling, brew scheduling, yeast metabolism, as well as fermentation parameters like attenuation, flavour expression and flocculation and their effect on the final beer.
Participants will experience a sensory tasting session, participate in Q&As with Fermentis experts and are also invited to a Welcome Dinner on Monday 9th December at Stomping Ground Beerhall.
Ruth Leary, regional sales manager at Fermentis, said that with so many new yeast and bacteria strains available, brewers now have a whole array of additions to their toolboxes and using them effectively and safely in the brewery was key.
“At Fermentis we spend a lot of time screening, researching, and tasting prior to releasing a product, to ensure we end up releasing a great strain to the market,” Leary said.
“Aside from this, importantly, there is also a lot of applied research happening. This means yeast and/or bacteria strains are being trialled in numerous conditions and beer styles so we can learn in detail how they behave.
“This gives the brewer more knowledge of, for example, how to manipulate fermentation conditions to change the yeast expression and create the beer they want.”
Leary explained that the Fermentis team had been investigating how its yeasts interact with hops, conducting studies on different beer styles and looking into how hop expression can change with different yeasts and hopping regimes.
She said it didn’t matter the size of the brewery or its resources, it was about ensuring that the brewing team knows the best way to use the tools they have available, and the Fermentis Academy aims to provide a platform for brewers to find out more about this key ingredient.
Ready to dive in? Contact sales@bintani.com.au to register, Fermentis and Bintani are waiting for you!