Flock of new beers from 3 Ravens
3 Ravens has announced the release of several new beers including a Double IPA featuring a 100 per cent Australian hop bill.
Bottled last week, the 7.6 per cent ABV Little Ravens Australian DIPA is hopped with Galaxy, Ella and experimental variety 035.
3 Ravens has also released an Australian Pilsner called Thornbury Lager on draught, with a canned release coming later in the year.
Also new on draughtin the single batch Little Ravens series is the “brooding, unfiltered” Dark Lager, brewed in the Munchner Dunkel style.
“We’ll also be launching a new series of barrel-aged and bottle conditioned wild/funky beers under a new ‘Wild Ravens’ label, kicking off with a Belgian-style Old Brown Ale, followed later in the year by a Purple Plum (Flanders-style) Red Ale, and an Old Red Ale, with further releases planned for next year,” said head brewer Brendan O’Sullivan.